Hey Everyone,
So it has been a hectic few weeks sorting the house situation (finally going to have the house to ourselves!!) and getting my adult on, sorting life when the car decides to give in 😲 but at long last I feel I am getting somewhere. All of the adulting aside (which I feel I am getting the hang of at almost 25) I have had a few things to share with you all. Today's post is short and mainly one focusing on one product and how I found it,
*IT IS ..... La Rochelle One Step Express Cleansing Gel http://larochelleskincare.com/*
The claim is 2 minuets to clean and polished skin => The result is just that sooth and fresh skin with no irritation. I was lucky to receive the gift of three small tubs of the 2 minute cleanser. Best advise is to use a small amount on Dry skin, it comes out as a gel fro the tube and on massaging into the skin melts into a liquid which works to dissolve dead skin cells leaving a smoother complexion with less visible pores and dissolved blackheads (unfortunately it made little to no difference as my pores as small to start with). The blackheads reduce after a few uses which was great but the main one is smoothness which is instant !!!
The ingredients are also a great combination which give the skin a little bit extra; Hyaluronic acid which promotes collagen (allowing for a youthful appearance), Aloe Vera to gently sooth and reduce redness, Horse Chestnut extract which has anti-inflammatory properties calming the skin and reducing puffiness.
Suitable for all skin types and is perfect for sensitive skin, that being said ensure to use it as directed for your skin type ;
- For dry and sensitive skin: Use 1-2 times weekly
- For oily skin: Use 2 times daily
- For combination skin: Use 1-2 times daily.
I can assure you it is a great product after using over the course of three weeks, I have felt the benefits of this product also it has one really fun and unique feature going for it. When applied and massaged into the skin it begins to clump and you can see the dead skin cells being lifted from the face and the evidence in the sink (never seen before and it is not a gimmick as I tested does it just react like this so i rubbed the product onto a section of a tile and a glass shelf and no clumping) This product lived up to the description and my hopes for it.
Retailing at $9.95 for 10ml or $19 for three 10ml it is well worth the price tag as a little goes a long way and the results speak for themselves.
I will post a blog on my recent dermaplaning adventure soon (it was an experience)
Chat soon, and love yourself !!
🍀From Ireland with Love🍀
Skincare, Dunne That!
Pop over to +Instagram and follow me there for more 😉

I additionally might want to state that nothing was relieving in this blog identified with any data I as of now had. Indeed, even I discovered new data to my subject and I added them to my database.